Wednesday, March 3, 2010

'n ddiweddar adegau*

Well, the micro layout workshops at the Princeton Train club are going well. I have 4 keen students all with great ideas. Some narrow gauge, some standard gauge. All very creative ideas that I look forward to seeing develop. The age range is wide, from a teenager to one person who should be retired.
Last weekend I spent time working up their ideas into concepts for them to work on and expand. The teenager, Brian, as is the case with most teenagers, is a computer whizz and after he'd attended the workshop sped off home to work up his concept into some sketches on his computer using Trainz rail simulator software. Within a matter of hours he emailed me back some of his computer renderings and some renderings for one of the other participants concepts too. I was really impressed its for Brian to post his concept renderings on his website that you can see here so check out some of his work it's really jolly good. Then he offered to work up some of my sketches in Trainz too. Not one to resist the lure of modern technology I said Yes and these are the renderings he came up with. The images have a US styling of course rather than North Wales but it's still really impressive.

I like them, I really do. In fact his renderings put a whole new slant on my concept.
I expect Brain gets the same joy and pleasure out of doing his renderings on his computer as I do putting pen to paper, and not knowing what it takes to do his work it's unfair for me to comment too much. But I love the action of putting the pen on the paper and drawing. I love screwing a bit of paper up when I do something wrong. Does Brian get those same feelings selecting a texture to cover a wireframe or hitting the delete key? I will ask him next time...

* modern times

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